2024届高考英语复习:语法填空课件(共69张PPT) 您所在的位置:网站首页 rational cloze 翻译 2024届高考英语复习:语法填空课件(共69张PPT)


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(共69张PPT)英语语法填空(Rational Cloze)考点分析与解题技巧命题分析:语法填空的高考考点:从考试说明的样题和近三年的高考考题来看,实词以动词,形容词,副词为主,其中,动词又是重中之重。虚词以介词,冠词,代词为主,而句法方面主要考查复合句的引导词,如定语从句,名词性从句,状语从句等。应试点睛:语法填空要求考生阅读一篇短文,然后按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在10分钟内完成10道语法填空题。做题要求:一是在空格处填入适当的词;二是使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。Analyzing提示词类:动词,名词,形容词,副词纯空格类:连词(从句),介词,代词,冠词有提示词动词3名词1形容词11.谓语 (时态,语态,主谓一致)2.非谓语 (to do, doing, done)3. 变形变名词:1)-ing 2)+后缀变同根名词After graduating from university After graduation变形容词 1)-ing 令人…的 2)-ed (人)感到…的1. 单复数 various/different ___(country) 2. 名词所有格 Li’s动词/介词+名词 名词:主语、宾语、宾补限定词( )+形容词+名词1.比较级 (much, far, even) 最高级 one of the 最高级, in/of/among2. 动词变形容词 v+ing v+ed v+able3. 名词变形容词 n+ful n+less辅+y---iesthe/a/anhis/my… other/another/this/that副词1副词修饰动词、形容词、句子、介词短语 le-ly terribly/possibly truly An amazingly/extremely good jobParticularly/especially in the workplace无提示词冠词1介词1连词1代词1冠词+形+名 翻译法:a/an “一个” the “那” an hour a university the:明确知道是哪个 a/an:随便哪个都可以The first/last/only/biggest +名 The book+ of 等介词短语The book +定语从句/非谓语等分词完整句子_____ 名词 固定搭配介词+名词 介词+代词 介词+doing并列连词:And/but/so定语从句:which /that/who when/where/why名从: that if/whether /what/who where/why/how/when看句子缺主语,宾语 (看意思)1.形式主语/宾语 it is +adj+ to do I find it+adj.+to doit is believed/reported/said that…2.反身代词用法(主语宾语一个人,或者译为“自己”)They devoted themselves to contributing to world peace.解题步骤(宏观思路)第1步:分析词性(横线处应该填入什么词性。)必须掌握四大词的相互修饰关系(动、名、形容词、副词)(判断方式:句式结构;解题小公式)解题小公式① 名词短语:a/the + adj + n. 举例:a helpful student② 介词短语:介 + n. 举例:on a table③ 介词短语加长版:(公式①+②的混合) 介 + a/the + adj + n.举例:on a big table【说明】三个公式主要用于动、名、介、冠题。第2步:第1轮 解题1、有提示词:(动名形副)给出单词词性与需求词性相同→考本身给出单词词性与需求词性不同→考转化2、无提示词: □介词 □冠词 □连词 □代词介词 空格前面有名词,且修饰前面的东西冠词 一个/这个,那个,这些,那些连词 从句,或逻辑连词缺少名词 (填代词;或固定搭配)有提示词一、有提示词解法思维导图【注】是指“使用括号中词语的正确形式填空”这类题,五年来的高考题只考查谓语动词的时态和被动语态、非谓语动词、形容词和副词的比较级、词类转化等四种情况。动词(1-4个)1、考本身:如果横线处需要动词,括号里给的也是动词,即考本身。需要进一步判断到底需要谓语动词,还是非谓语动词。①缺谓语动词,需要注意时态和语态(被动)的变化。【注意】祈使句要用动词原形(2016年全国2卷唯一的一次) ②缺非谓语动词,需要确定是to do, doing还是done的形式。【注意】 介词+doing是重点2、考转化:括号里是动词,但是横线处需要其它词,即考转化如横线处需要名词,需要把动词转化成名词。高频考点之一:提示词为动词考查谓语动词(1).简单句谓语:Firefighter put out fires。(2).并列谓语:Firefighter put out fires and saved people’s life.(3).并列句谓语:Firefighter put out fires and they saved people’s life.(4).主动句谓语:Firefighter who put out fires saved people’s life.谓语动词出现的4种情况第一步:确定是否作谓语首先,分析句子结构,若句中无谓语动词,或者虽然已有谓语动词,但空处所需词与之是并列关系时,空处就用谓语动词。第二步: 若填谓语动词, 就要考虑时态、语态和主谓一致:①看“时间”定时态(注意语境中暗含的时间状语);②看“主语”定语态( 看主语是否为动作的发出者);③看人称和数, 确保主谓一致。谓语满分攻略易错题1. In the past few years, it _______________(help) more than 22,000 children in Africa, Asia and Latin America.易错题2. The plan will extend protection to a significant number of areas that ________(be) previously unprotected, bringing many of the existing protected areas for giant pandas under one authority to increase effectiveness and reduce inconsistencies in management. (2022年全国高考新高考I卷语法填空)易错点1---谓语的时态错误has helpedwere易错时态:完成时及前后时态不一致时Tip 1: 谓语的时态判断顺序:a.看时间状语/副词> b.前后时态保持一致> c.语境意义Tip 2: 常考时态的时间状语一般过去时(常见时间状语:yesterday,last night,ago,this morning,just now,in 1998,the other day等)一般现在时(客观事实或普遍真理,经常或习惯性动作,常与表频率词连用,表示按规定时间表计划安排要发生的动作等): often,usually,sometimes,always,every day,once/twice a week,on Sunday,never,in the morning等现在完成时 现在完成时被动 have/has been done“到目前为止”so far, by far, up to now, till now, by now等;“最近的” lately, recently, in recent years等;“在过去…的时间里”during/in/over the last(past) few years(months, weeks)等“自从” ever since, since+ 过去时间固定句型:1.It is the first/second/...time that sb.have/has done ...2.It was the first/second/...time that sb.had done ...3.It is/has been+时间段+since sb.did ...4.It/This is the best/most interesting ...+名词+sb./sth.have/has done ...增分小技巧时态(write) 主动 被动(不规则动词表)一般过去时一般现在时一般将来时过去进行时现在进行时将来进行时过去完成时现在完成时将来完成时过去将来时现在完成进行时默写版时态 主动 被动(不规则动词表)一般过去时 wrote was/were written一般现在时 writes is/ am/are written一般将来时 will write will be written过去进行时 was/were writing was/were being written现在进行时 is/am/ are writing is/am/are being written将来进行时 will be writing will be being written过去完成时 had written had been written现在完成时 have /has written have/has been written将来完成时 will have written will have been written过去将来时 would write would be written现在完成进行时 have /has been writing答案版易错题1. In contrast, the United States_______________(report) to have 6.3 million surnames in its 2010 census (人口普查).易错题2. The production techniques_____________(upgrade) and the patterns became more various.易错题3. During the last 2 years, building the Grand Canal national cultural parks____________________ (recognize) as a key task in the 14th Five-Year Plan.易错点2---谓语的被动语态缺失增分Tips:后面有by sb./sth.一定用被动;动词后面无宾语,大概率被动,有宾语,大概率主动(接双宾语的动词如tell等除外)。were upgradedwas reportedhas been recognized(have/has been done是现在完成时的被动)易错题1.The Beijing Daoxiangcun Food Company, which ________(own) the brand and stores, is busy marketing its new product.易错题2. The protection of endangered animals, especially those wild ones, ______ (be) important for the well-being of humans.易错点3---忽略谓语与主语的一致ownsisTip:定从的谓语要与先行词的单复数一致)Tip:长难句分析找到真正的主语,离谓语最近的不一定是谓语*切记默熟不规则动词表易错点4---变形错误read read readhurt hurt hurtbecome became becomethrow threw throwndraw drew drawnbegin began begunwear wore wornchoose chose chosenrise rose risenforbid forbade forbiddenwrite wrote writtenthink thought thoughtseek sought soughtbend bent bentmake made mademean meant meantlay lain lainlie lied liedlay laid laid1.易错不规则动词2.双写:重读闭音节(1.最后3个字母辅元辅 2.重读 3.元音字母发非字母音)committed committing regrettedthinner thinnest runner swimmer3.动词以“辅音+y”结尾,则改y为I,再加 es/edBuried buries families happier happiest4.以不发音的e结尾。则去e加ing.staring writing agreeing易错点4---变形错误分析:第一步:确定填谓语。分析句子成分可知,空处和“has now been completely restored”作并列谓语。第二步:考虑时态、语态和主谓一致。有时间状语“in the Tang dynasty”可知发生在过去,根据主语“it (the Xi'an City Wall)”与动词build之间是被动关系,故用一般过去时的被动语态。【例1】 [2021·全国卷甲]The Xi'an City Wall is the most complete city wall that has survived China's long history. It __41__ (build) originally to protect the city 42. the Tang dynasty and has now been completely restored (修复).was built(来源于最新各地级市期末统考试题)1. Considering the high altitude of the mountains, an automobile ride is required (require) to reach the top of the peak.2. Many people chose (choose) to take a bamboo raft (筏)on the Li River, whose scenery is truly wonderful.3. Hiking is recommended (recommend)for the hiking and photography fans and also the travelers who are curious about the local lifestyle or want a unique view of Li River.4. The team treated over 2000 people who were injured (injure) in the 2004 earthquake in Indonesia5. Southwestern Iceland has witnessed(witness)17, 000 earthquakes over the past week, according to the Icelandic Meteorological Office.6. She, together with her teammates, helps(help) villagers sell nearly 500,000 kilograms of oranges every week.7. Besides high-speed rail, China has improved (improve) people’s lives in many other innovative ways over the last decade.谓语易错题强化练习:8. It sounds like a science experiment, but every single user who gives up their information becomes (become) an unwilling test subject.9. Up to now, over 2,500,000 photos posted by 3,500 people from 40 countrieshave found (find) their way to Litterati's digital landfill.10. In contrast, the United Stateswas reported(report) to have 6.3 million surnames in its 2010 census (人口普查).11. While teaching at Tsinghua University in 2014, Yan Ning led(lead) a team to analyze the led three-dimensional crystal structure.12. Though the majority of online users are (be) nice and friendly, there might be some users that/who make you feel uncomfortable online.13. Gan is known (know) as one of the pioneers who shares country life and promotes sales of related products online.14. For environmental protection reasons, no personal transport, not even bicycles, is permitted (permit) within the park.2. 考查非谓语动词种类 时态 主动 特点(表意 被动不定式 一般式 to do 目的/将来/具体 to be done动名词 一般式 doing 主动/习惯/抽象 being done分词 现在 一般式 doing 主动/进行 being done过去 一般式 done 被动/完成 done种类 时态 主动 特点(表意 被动不定式 一般式 to do 目的/将来/具体 to be done进行式 to be doing 将来+进行完成式 to have done 将来+完成 to have been done动名词 一般式 doing 主动/习惯/抽象 being done完成式 having done 主动+完成 having been done分词 现在 一般式 doing 主动/进行 being done完成式 having done 主动+完成 having been done过去 一般式 done 被动/完成 done解题攻略若句中已有谓语动词,空处又不在句中作并列谓语时,所要填的通常是非谓语动词,此时需进一步确定是非谓语动词的哪种形式。一般来说,作主语、宾语、表语、定语通常用动名词形式;此外,doing表示主动、正在进行;done表示被动、完成;to do表示尚未发生的动作。【例2】 You don't have to run fast or for long __ __ (see) the benefit. You may drink, smoke, be overweight and still reduce your risk of ____ (die) early by running.分析:第一句中已有谓语动词don't have to run,故空格处应为非谓语动词。根据句意可知应填不定式to see,作目的状语。第二句中已有谓语动词reduce,故空格处应为非谓语动词。又因空格前有介词of,结合句意可知,应填dying,作介词of的宾语。too seedying3. 动词题(考转化)【出题方向】动词转化n.或adj.【出题模型】① a/the + adj (do)+ n. (do)② 介 + n. (do)③ 介词+a/the + adj (do)+ n. (do)【例3】Peter is a very _______ (help) person. He always helps others when they are in trouble.根据上下文,我们可以推测出“Peter”是一个乐于助人的人,因此可以填写“helpful”。helpful动词题(考本身)解题法(总结)名词:1、考本身:单复数的变化 ( ★★★★★)2、考转化:变成需要的其它词性形容词、副词1、考本身:比较级或最高级。2、考转化:形容词与副词的相互转化;形副与动、名词的转化。高频考点之二:名、形、副词性转换一、根据空处在句中所作的成分确定词性:名词在句中常作主语、宾语、表语或定语等,动词作谓语与非谓语,形容词作表语、定语,副词作状语修饰动词、形容词、副词或整个句子;二、根据标志词及语境确定比较级;三、根据名词前的数词、量词、冠词等修饰语以及主谓一致原则来确定名词的单复数。解题攻略【例4】 [2021·全国卷乙] It is different from traditional tourism because it allows the traveler to become educated about the areas — both in terms of geographical conditions and cultural characteristics, and often provides money for conservation and benefits the ________ (develop) of the local areas.分析:第一步:确定是否考查词性转换提示词为动词,句子有谓语动词allows及并列谓语provides可知,空格处既不是谓语动词, 也不是非谓语动词, 则考虑动词词性转换。第二步:确定转换为名词或形容词根据分析句子成分,空格在冠词the之后, 应填名词。development1.动词转换为形容词:①-able结尾的形容词 accept→acceptable 可接受②v.+ed/ing 转换为形容词 confuse→confused 感到困惑的③v.+词缀ive 转化为形容词 attract→attractive 有吸引力的④v.+词缀-ful/less 转换为形容词 doubt→doubtful 怀疑的2. 动词转换为名词①v.+-ion/-tion/-ation/-sion转换为名词,表示“状态或行为” celebrate→celebration n.庆祝②v.+-ment转换为名词,表示“行为或结果” achieve→achievement n.成就 argue→argument n.争论③v.+-er/-or 转换为名词, 表示“人” settle→settler n.移民者 educate→educator n.教育家3.名词的单复数:若提示词是可数名词单数,分析句子成分后发现词性不需要改变,此时应考虑填名词的复数。若有以下情况考虑名词复数:①有数词或these, those, several, many, all, both, various, numerous等词修饰时用名词复数形式。②名词前有one of时用名词复数形式。③若谓语动词是复数形式,则空处应填名词复数形式。4.名词转换成形容词 提示词为名词,如果作定语修饰后面的名词,则一般考查名词变形容词。注意名词变形容词的后缀①n.+-able→adj. honor→honorable ②n.+-al→adj. nature→natural ③n.+-ful→adj. colour→colourful④n.+-en→adj. wood→wooden ⑤n.+-y→adj. wealth→wealthy5.名词转换成动词 提示词为名词,如果作谓语或非谓语,则一般考查名词变动词。熟记名词变动词的前缀/后缀①加前缀en-: courage→encourage vt.鼓励 danger → endanger vt. 危及;使遭到危险②加后缀-en: strength→strengthen vt.加强③加后缀-ize: apology →apologize v.道歉6.填名词的所有格 提示词与其后的名词是所属关系, 应考虑名词的所有格。①单数名词和不以-s结尾的复数名词通常在词尾加-‘s。 ②以-s或-es结尾的复数名词,形式为-s'或-es'。7.形容词、副词添加词缀变反义词根据句意和前后逻辑关系, 确定句意表否定时,添加否定前缀(un-,im-,dis-等)或否定后缀(-less)变为反义词。8.形容词、副词转换为比较级、最高级(1)利用标志词确定比较等级①题目中有much, far, still, even, rather, a little, a bit, a lot, a great deal, than等标志性词汇时用比较级。②设空后有表示范围的标志词in,of,among等时用最高级。③设空前有one of the,the+序数词等修饰词时,用最高级。(2)利用固定句型 “the+比较级 ...the+比较级 ...”表示“越……就越……”。(3)利用隐含信息判断句中虽没有标志词,但暗含比较级或最高级,也需要用比较级或最高级。9.提示词为代词,当句子缺少主语、定语、宾语或表语时,一般填代词;1.作主语:人称代词主格(I, we, you, he等)2.作宾语/表语:人称代词宾格(me, us, him, them, it等)、名词性物主代词(ours, mine, yours, its等)3.作定语:形容词性物主代词(our, my, your, their等)4.如果宾语与主语是指同一人,用反身代词(myself, yourself, itself等)5.填it的情况:作形式主语或形式宾语;指代前面提到的同一个事物或情况。6.that,those作替代词,用来代替已提到的名词,以避免重复。无提示词一、无提示词解法思维导图高频考点之一:填介词解题攻略:当名词或代词在句中不作主语、表语或动词的宾语时,其前面一般是填介词。对介词的考查通常侧重于固定搭配中的介词及常见介词的习惯用法。答案: by解析:考查介词。句意:2019年11月27日,联合国正式将5月21日定为第一个国际茶日。根据句意可知,此处表达“被联合国在5月21日命名”。表示被动,使用固定结构“be+过去分词+by”。故填by。【例1】 (2022全国乙卷)May 21st this year marks the first International Tea Day, which was named officially ___61___ the United Nations on November 27th, 2019.高频考点之二:填冠词 下列情况很可能填不定冠词:(1)________+可数名词(单数);(2)________+形容词+可数名词(单数)。 下列情况下很可能填定冠词:(1)________ (+定语)+名词+ of等介词短语(表示特指);(2)________ (+定语)+名词+定语从句(表示特指);(3)________ (+定语)+名词+不定式短语或分词短语(表示特指)。【方法总结】1: 如何判断空格处应填冠词?冠词的考点归纳:(1)定冠词的常考必备:①定冠词the与指示代词this,that同源,有“这 / 那个”之意,但语气较弱,可以和名词连用,表示某个或某些特定的人或物。②叙述上文提到过的特定的事物或上文未提到,但听话者一定知其所指。③用于序数词、形容词的比较级、最高级以及形容词only,very,same之前。④用于表示地球、宇宙中的独一无二的事物尤指各种天体或世界上比较有影响的物体名词前。⑤用于表示具体的地点、方位,具体的时间或某天的一部分等。⑥用于表示山川、河流、海洋、群岛、报纸、杂志、朝代的专有名词及由普通名词构成的专有名词之前等等。(2)不定冠词的常考必备:①表示数量“一”,与one相近。②用在首次提到的人或物之前,表泛指。③用在物质名词、抽象名词之前,表示“一阵,一场,一种……”,也可以表示引起某种情绪的事,即抽象名词具体化使用。④用于be of a(an)+ n.结构中,表示“相同……的”。⑤ 用于so / as / too / how + 形容词 + a / an + 单数可数名词。⑥不定冠词a或an用于表示时间、速度、价格等意义的名词之前,表示“每一”之意,”相当于every或one,但概念上没它们那么强烈。(3)零冠词的常考必备:①称呼语及表示头衔、职务的名词作宾语、补语及同位语时,其前一般不加冠词。②在as引导的让步状语从句中,作表语的名词前不加冠词。③专有名词、物质名词、抽象名词、人名、地名等名词前, 一般不加冠词。答案:the解析:考查冠词。句意:该公园占地面积约为黄石国家公园的三倍,将成为中国首批国家公园之一。本句的结构为:倍数+ the size of +比较成份。故填the。【例2】(2022新高考I卷)Covering an area about three times __________ size of Yellowstone National Park, the GPNP will be one of the first national parks in the country.高频考点之三:填从属关联词连词题解题逻辑图句子分类:1)简单句:①主语+谓语; ②主语+谓语+宾语;③主语+谓语+间接宾语+直接宾语;④主语+谓语+宾语+宾补; ⑤主语+系动词+表语2)并列句:3)复合句:定语从句,名词性从句,状语从句逻辑关系 并列连词并列关系转折关系因果关系选择关系and, both...and..., neither...nor...,not only...but alsobut, yet, while(然而), whereasor, either...or...so, for主语 宾语 定语 地点状语 时间状语 原因状语人介词+物介词+ 介词+ 介词+ forwhothatwho whom thatwhomthatwhichThat/whichwhichwhosewhosewhenwherewhywhichwhichwhich定语从句的连接词名词性从句(主从,宾从,同位从,表从)从属连词连接代词连接副词that, whether, ifWhat(主,宾,表), who,which, whose, whatever,whoever, whichever等when, where, why, how(问我外号)wherever, whenever等类型 连词时间状语 when, as, while, before, after, since, till, until, as soon as, hardly… when…, no sooner… than, the moment, immediately原因状语 because, as, since, now that地点状语 Where, wherever条件状语 if, unless, as long as, in case, supposing,on condition that, provided(that)让步状语 (al)though, as, even if, however, whatever, no matter…, whether… or等结果状语 so that, so… that, such… that目的状语 in case, for fear that, so方式状语 as, just as, as if(though)比较状语 as… as, than, the more… the more等状语从句的连接词【答案】that【解析】设空处引导同位语从句,说明evidence的内容,故填that;that在从句中只起连接作用,不充当任何成分。所以填that。【例3】While they are rare north of 88°,there is evidence_______ they range all the way across the Arctic, and as far south as James Bay in Canada. 1.He was interested in the activity, _______ will be held next Friday.2. He was interested in the activity. ______will be held next Friday.3. I have many friends, all of _______ are very helpful.4. I have many friends. All of _______ are very helpful.易错点1---关系代词与人称代词不分whomItwhichthem*Tip:不能只根据意思做题,还要分析后面句子是定语从句还是完整主句。1. Elsa and Anna’s adventure in Frozen II began 53 Elsa’s curiosity about a strange song 54 kept calling her from the north.2. They began to depend less on 57 could be hunted or gathered from the wild.易错点2---what与which不分Which/thatwhat*Tip:先判断是定从还是名从,指物且在句中做主、宾、表则,定从用which/that;名从用what.*重要提醒:不能看到时间地点相关的名词做先行词就填when/where,要具体分析关系词再从句的成分。易错点3---定从关系代词与关系副词混淆1)The time ________ I first met her was a very difficult period of my life.2)The time ________ I spent with her was a very difficult period of my life.3).The house _________ I was born was burnt down in the big fire.4).The house _________ I bought was burnt down in the big fire.5) This is the reason _____________________ he failed.6).This is the reason ____________ he gave.whenthatwhere/ in which(which/ that)why/ for which(that/which)1.Mark Twain started to work as a journalist on a riverboat, 58 he wrote many famous books.2. The task is extremely challenging, ______ we have some professional experts to offer guidance.易错点4---关系代词/副词与并列连词混淆where错误选项:and错误原因:意思没看懂;并列句与主从符合句不分Tip:关注句子意思,分析上下句关系,不要机械关注形式。but1.Yesterday we visited the West Lake for __________ Hangzhou is famous.2.The old woman with _____________ you talked just now is a famous artist.3. Tom said that he had never seen me before, ______ was not true. 易错点5---特殊使用不清whichwhom*特殊用法1:定语从句里,介词后面只能用which/whomwhich*特殊用法2:逗号后面的定语从句(非限制性定语从句),不能用thatHer only chance of recovery appeared to be a blood transfusion (传输) from her five-year-old brother, 47 had amazingly survived the same disease.易错点6---特殊使用不清who*特殊用法3:定语从句只用that的情况1.当先行词被the last , the very 和the only修饰时。 This is the very novel that I am looking for. 2. 当先行词有序数词、最高级修饰时。 You are the first person that I want to see.3. 当先行词被all, every, no , some, few , little, much, both等修饰或本身是先行词时。 This is all that I want to say.4. 当先行词为anything、everything、nothing时,关系代词用that,不用which*重要提醒:不能看到时间地点相关的名词做先行词就填when/where,要具体分析关系词再从句的成分。巩固练习1)The boss is trying to create an easy atmosphere ___________ his employees enjoy their work.2)It was likely to be the name of a company, part of _______ might include the name of the place.3)Their aim is to create something ________ has never been seen before.4) I'd forgotten the keys, ________ made it worse.5) . In the period _68 Huawei had a win over its South Korean competitor, it invested more into its research.wherewhenwhichthatwhich注意:可以给提示词,也可以不给提示词代词——给提示词解题:四选一 (①主格②宾格③形容词性物主代词④名词性物主代词⑤反身代词)代词——不给提示词解题:填it(90%)或one难点:如何判断此考点 判断原理:代词是名词的替身。两个条件①首先判断:填空处需要名词。①有给提示词。【快速解题】形式主语,形式宾语和强调句中的it考点之四:代词【答案】herself【解析】考查反身代词。句意:她非常漂亮,并且她的房子就是她的写照,每件东西都摆放整齐,品味也很好。【例4】(2021.6 浙江卷 语法填空)She was extremely pretty, and her house was a reflection of 6 __________ (she), everything in good taste and in perfect order."小试身手一、2022学年第二学期杭州市高一年级教学质量检测Taking a gap year between high school and college can be a great way to explore your interests, gain new experiences, ____36____ develop skills that will benefit you in the future. For me, my gap year was ____37____unforgettable adventure that allowed me ____38____ (step) outside my comfort zone and see the world in new ways.During my gap year, I traveled to several ____39____ (country)including Thailand, Japan, and Peru. I ____40____(volunteer)at a wildlife preserve in Thailand, where I worked with elephants, monkeys, and other animals. In Japan, I taught English to elementary school children, and in Peru, I worked on a farming project with a local community.These experiences were greatly rewarding and taught me valuable lessons about the world and myself. I learned how to communicate ____41____ (effective) with people from different cultures, how to adapt ____42____ new environments and situations, and how tobe more self-sufficient and resourceful.In addition to my travels, I also spent time ____43____ (explore)my passions and hobbies. I took art classes, learned how to cook new dishes, and read extensively about topics ____44____ interested me. These activities helped me to develop my creativity, curiosity, and critical thinking skills. So far these skills _____45_____ (be)invaluable in shaping my ideas and I’m looking forward to continuing to improve them throughout my life.andanto stepcountriesvolunteeredeffectivelytoexploringwhich/thathave been句中explore your interests、gain new experiences和develop skills为并列成分,所以用连词and连接。故填and。名词adventure作为“冒险经历”,为可数名词,泛指,且形容词unforgettable发音以元音音素开头,所以用不定冠词an。volunteer为动词,做谓语,陈述过去事情,用一般过去时Step为动词,意为“行走”,allow sb. to do sth.允许某人做某事。故填to step。adapt to适应句中先行词为topics,在定语从句中作主语,所以用关系代词which或that引导根据时间状语so far可知,用现在完成时。主语these skills为复数形式,所以谓语动词用have。谓语动词的形式要同时考虑时态、语态(有宾语主动/没宾语被动)和主谓一致时态 ① 时间状语 ②上下文时态 ③特殊句式需重点关注三种时态:一般过去时(常见时间状语:yesterday,last night,ago,this morning,just now,in 1998,the other day等)一般现在时(客观事实或普遍真理,经常或习惯性动作,常与表频率词连用,表示按规定时间表计划安排要发生的动作等)现在完成时 现在完成时被动 have/has been done“到目前为止”so far, by far, up to now, till now, by now等;“最近的” lately, recently, in recent years等;“在过去…的时间里”during/in/over the last(past) few years(months, weeks)等“自从” ever since, since+ 过去时间固定句型:1.It is the first/second/...time that sb.have/has done ...2.It was the first/second/...time that sb.had done ...3.It is/has been+时间段+since sb.did ...4.It/This is the best/most interesting ...+名词+sb./sth.have/has done ...1.Take a gap year2. step outside my comfort zone3. a wildlife preserve4. elementary school5. rewarding6. adapt to new environments7. self-sufficient and resourceful8. read extensively9. critical thinking10.invaluable in shape my ideas重点词块1. 空缺年2. 走出我的舒适区3. 野生动物保护区4. 小学5. 值得的6. 适应新的环境7.自立的和机敏的8. 广泛阅读9. 批判性思维10.在塑造我的想法方面是无价的(常指中学毕业后上大学前所休的一年假期,用于实习或旅游)(二)2023年广东省梅州市高中期末考试模拟试卷Rice wine has been a part of Chinese culture for thousands of years. It is also 41 (wide) known as yellow wine. Drinking rice wine in China offers the chance 42 (experience) China’s rich culture.Perhaps one of the most interesting 43 (tale) of rice wine’s heritage was that of Du Kang, who became an important 44 (rule) during the Xia Dynasty. His special wine 45 (love) throughout the land. He was so good at making wine 46 it was said that a man who spent the night 47 (drink) his wine could stay drunk for three years.It is important to note that although rice is the main ingredient (原料), other grains like wheat are sometimes used to make rice wine. The wine making process varies greatly depending on the methods 48 (use) and the ingredients.Shaoxing Wine is one popular type of rice wine. It is named for its birthplace: Shaoxing, which is located 49 Zhejiang province. It is aged in the famous Shaoxing wine pots for extended periods of time and featuring 50 unique herb mixture that gives it a distinct flavor.widelyto experiencerulertaleswas lovedthatdrinkingusedainOne of+最高级+名词(复数)本句主语是wine,谓语是varies,depending on the methods是非谓语动词做状语,use是非谓语动词,作定语修饰methods, 是被动关系此处love做谓语,时态前后一致用过去式,与wine构成动宾关系,所以被动语态Rule是动词,意为 “控制;统治”,ruler是统治者的意思冠词a &an的使用看的是冠词后第一个单词的音标,不是字母。特例有an hour, an honour, an honest man; a university, a union, a unique man,The chance后面用不定式做定语,类似用法的名词还有the way/time/reason/opportunity/need/wish/effort/right(权利)/ambition to do1. heritage2. stay drunk3. note that…4.The wine making process varies5.aged in the wine pots6.for extended periods of time7.feature a unique herb mixture8.a distinct flavor.重点词块1. 遗产2. 喝醉3. 注意4.酿酒的过程各不相同5.在酒壶里老化了6.延长了的一段时间7.以独特的草药混合物为特点8.一种独特的味道itwas calledasLocatedthatancontinuesattractingchoice(三)2022学年第二学期温州十校联合体期中联考Sayram Lake, known as a pearl on the mountain, is the ____36____(large) and highest alpine lake in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. The lake lies in a mountain basin in the western part of Tianshan Mountain and ____37____ is the only way to lli Prefecture.In ancient China, the lake ____38____(call) the “clean sea”. It is also known ____39____ the “Atlantic Ocean’s last teardrop”, because it is the farthest place ____40____ the warm and humid (潮湿的) air current of the Atlantic Ocean reaches____41____(locate) 2,073 metres above sea level and measuring 30 kilometres long and 25 kilometres wide, the lake covers ____42____ area of 460 square kilometres. The main source of the lake is ground water, in addition to some snow and river water. The lake rises by 3 to 5 centimetres every year. Its area also ____43____(continue) to grow.The water in the lake is clean and peaceful, ____44____(attract) flocks of ducks and swans. Flourishing cedar (雪松) trees cover the whole mountain. Herds of horses and sheep graze on the grassland. The lake has become a top ____45____(choose) for lovers to take wedding photos and spend their honeymoons.largest提示词与空后highest是并列关系,用形容词最高级作定语,修饰名词alpine lake。空处做主语,指代上文的Sayram Lake,为防止重复,用代词it指代主语单数名词the lake与谓语动词call之间形成动宾关系,所以是被动,根据时间状语“In ancient China”可知,应用一般过去时。be known as“被称为”,固定短语,用介词as;be known for sth. to sb. 因为…为…所知分析句子可知,该句空处后为限制性定语从句,修饰先行词the farthest place,先行词代入定语从句作宾语,且先行词前用形容词最高级the farthest修饰,只能用关系代词that引导该定语从句提示词locate是非谓语动词,与其逻辑主语the lake之间是被动关系,应用过去分词做状语“(attract) flocks of ducks and swans”是结果状语,提示词是非谓语动词,且与逻辑主语the water之间是主动关系,应用现在分词,作状语,表示情理之中的结果lies in a mountain basin2. main source重点词块1.位于一个山地盆地中2. 主要来源boiledpleasing#plansantsellingenjoyedmeThough#Althoughwheretellingafor(四)广东省广州市执信中学2022-2023学年度第二学期Once a poor traveller stopped under a tree. From his bag he took out a bowl of ____71____ (boil) rice and started to eat. Next to the tree was a small shop. In the shop there was a woman ____72____ (sell) fried fish to travellers able to pay for it. When the man finished eating and got up to leave, she shouted, “You have not paid ____73____(I) for your meal!”“But I ordered nothing from you!” he said.“Everyone can see that you ____74____ (enjoy) the smell of my fried fish with your rice just now,” argued the woman. “If you hadn’t smelt the fish, your meal would not have been so ____75____ (please)!”Soon a crowd gathered. ____76____ they supported the traveller, they also agreed that the wind was blowing from the shop to the place ____77____ he had eaten, carrying the smell of the fried fish to him.At last, the woman took him to a judge and after ____78____ (tell) the judge the story, she insisted that the man had enjoyed her fish smell and that he should pay 25 cents. After hearing the evidence, the judge asked the man to drop ____79____ 25-cent coin on the ground. “Here is your payment, the sound of 25 cents ____80____the smell of the fried fish.”应用形容词boiled作定语,修饰名词rice,表示“煮熟的”此处应用非谓语动词作后置定语,修饰名词woman,且动词sell和名词woman是主动关系,应用现在分词形式此处在that引导的宾语从句中作谓语,由just now可知,句子描述过去发生的事,应用一般过去时前后是转折关系,此处应用连词though/although引导让步状语从句空处引导限制性定语从句,修饰先行词place,且关系词在从句中作地点状语,应用关系副词来引导空处是名词,此处表示“为换取”应用介词for(五)安徽省皖中名校联考Lanzhou, 9 August 2017. A group of researchers and scientists from China and other countries are working together to help increase knowledge and appreciation of China’s ancient cultural heritage. They are recording and collecting digital images of cultural relics from the Mogao Caves. Nearly 500,000 high quality digital photo-graphs ___36___ (produce) since the international project started in 1994.The Mogao Caves have long been a meeting point for different cultures and are part of ___37___ history of many countries. Today, the caves are just as international as they ___38___ (be) at the time when people travelled the Silk Road. Tourists ___39___ all over the world visit Dunhuang to see the caves, and the Getty Museum in Los Angeles has even reproduced a copy of the caves and paintings for people ___40___ (admire) in America.By ___41___ (share) so many digital photos over the Internet, the group hopes to promote even ___42___ (wide) interest around the world in China’s ancient history, culture, and traditions. They also hope to further educate people about the ___43___ (important) of safeguarding historic and cultural relics for future generations. As one researcher ___44___ is working on the project explains, “Appreciating one’s own cultural heritage is very important for understanding ___45___ (one). Appreciating the cultural heritage of other countries is very important for international communication and understanding.”importance根据时间词at the time when people travelled the Silk Road,此处as后为方式状语从句,应用一般过去时态,陈述过去的动作。此处考查目的状语,应用动词不定式to admire根据时间状语从句since the international project started in 1994,主句用现在完成时,主语为Nearly 500,000 high quality digital photo-graphs,为复数,助动词为have,动词produce与主语之间为动宾关系,应用被动语态have been producedthewerefromto admiresharingwiderwho#thatoneself空前有even,此处为通过互联网上分数码照片与没有借助互联网分享照片的两种情况下进行比较,应用形容词的比较等级wider,much, a little后也常用形容词比较级此处考查限制性定语从句,先行词为one researcher,为人,在从句中作主语,故用关系代词who或that,引导从句根据句意,此处应有反身代词,表“理解自己”,应有oneself,作understanding的宾语1.increase appreciation of China’sancient cultural heritage2.collect digital images of cultural relics3. a meeting point4. safeguard historic and cultural relics重点词块1.增加对中国古代文化遗产的欣赏2.收集文物的数码图像3. 交汇点4.保护历史文化遗迹








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